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How I Write a Book

I see many requests on the internet for ‘how do I start writing my book’. Well you didn’t just wake up one morning and decide today I’m going to write a book, did you....No. It’s something that you have been thinking about for awhile. It’s your dream, your passion to write and therefore you already have an idea in your precious mind as to what you want to write about.

But how do you get it down on paper? How do you start this mammoth journey from Chapter One to Chapter Infinity? Well I can’t tell you how to write your book or what will work for you. I can however, tell you how I approach mine and maybe it will help you, maybe it won’t.

First: Create a timeline using my chapter titles; these may change along the way as my book comes to life but the main idea for the chapter will stay relatively the same.

Second: Work on fine details for main characters and sub characters I want to bring in and how.

Third: Gather additional information. Research times, places, historical events, which may impact my book in some way.

Fourth: Day Dream ….Very important to play the story out a few times in your mind and feel comfortable with your basic storyline.

Fifth: Start your first chapter knowing you need to lead it into your next and so on. Keep the flow going, don’t over edit or you will get stuck on something you may see the solution to later in your work. Can not stress this enough! At most I read over my current chapter but mainly to get back into the swing of things before I continue. Once you have the completed manuscript, you will have the complete picture and be able to make changes accordingly.

And that’s it, five steps to book success 😊 Well, I’m yet to discover if I’m successful but I wrote a book and a publisher liked it enough to accept me, so I must have done something right 😊

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